Wednesday, November 3, 2021

pick a path

Hey bloggers

during lock down I was bored and had nothing to do so I made this pick a path and I keep forgetting to show you.All you have to do is click start and there will be two images and you have to click on the one you like more enjoy.     


  1. Hi Hajira!
    This pick a path is really good!
    Some of the choices were pretty hard, like the house one and the candy or chocolate one.
    You have inspired me to make one.

  2. Hi Hajira,
    That Is Really good! Can't Wait For More!

  3. Hi hajira,
    I love you're pick a path it reminded me of when I did a pick a path.
    Was it easy to make?
    It was really amazing.
    Keep up the good work.

  4. Hola Hajira
    Your pick a path was really hard to choose from because I wanted to pick the puppy but the kittin was so cute.Nice work Hajira

  5. wow! Hajira the pick a path was really cool and fun the kitten and puppy looked sooo cute you have also given me an idea to do a pick a path if I get bored.Great work

  6. Hi Hajara this pick a path is really cool I really like the colourful background at the end . it's very cool and fun to do I kinda already knew what I wanted for the ansear . Bye !!🤩🙂

  7. Hi Hajara I like how you finished your pick and path it is so colourful and I like the house part, maybe you can do another blog like this one.Bye


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